31 okt 2008

Dress or Blowfish

Last week I was on a hunt for a dress when I saw something strange. I ran into a nice shop and I really thought there was a fish struggling for air on land. What a surprise it was to find out it was just a lady in a dress that made her look like a blowfish!! With this blog I would strongly suggest to her and all others who read it: try out a demo before buying!!

See for yourself


16 okt 2008

What was she thinking!

Ok, I really like some of Eshi Otawara's designs, but what the hell was she thinking when she made this montrosity? People gawking at it and just because it is an "Eshi", does not make it couture. I have no idea what it is, but it is certainly NOT a gown.

It reminds me a bit of those horrendous fish that live on the bottom of the sea with those fluorescent eyes on stalks with a pair of steel tires wrapped around the body. Well, this is my opinion; just because it is weird, does that make it couture? And the worst part is that you have to pay 25,000 L for this...... thing.

Waiting for her next nice try!


9 okt 2008

Three of a Kind.....

1. Original picture from the internet
2. ADiva - Annejoy Paine
3. VictoriaV - VictoriaV McMillan
4. Liberte - Luriel Jewell

It seems that the great designers got themselves caught in a bit of hiccup...... All these designers found the same dress on the internet very appealing and made it into a wonderful dress. However, who copied who?????? So ladies, no more screeching of YOU COPIED ME, you just found the same dress on the internet! I wonder if anyone will have the vile guts to file a DMCA or try to say they have sole rights to this pic (and you know who I mean by that, pretending to have all the rights to all the pictures on the internet!!).

This is too funny!

Venus Deschanel

3 okt 2008

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

I am on the feed of Fashion Planet which I look through on a regular basis. Lo and behold, did I see something that irked my curiosity!

I saw this set of S.Nici (in the right).
It sparked a memory of a blog that I had recently visited, namely the blog of VictoriaV McMillan. I just want to point out that Miss Victoria said in a public interview the following:

HarMonica: Speaking of new releases, lets talk about yours! Just yesterday you released several new items, including a new line of lingerie…which rivals other top designers works, in my opinion. One of my favorites from your new collection is the Serina Jane Corset Set.

HarMonica: I think the detailing on this bra set is fantastic! The black lace looks so great…even the ripples on the panties look realistic!.

VictoriaV: Yes, Harmy…I worked for many days designing this new collection. Vas and I had gone on vacation together, and I was inspired to make something sexy and fun.

They must have found the same website with lingerie......
I have nothing against photosourcing at all, actually the most beautiful dresses are created that way.
However, don't go blabbing/lying then that it took you "many days" to "design the new collection", while we all know you just downloaded the picture, photoshopped it and put it on a template.
VictoriaV McMillan - you are officially "A Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!"
Venus Deschanel