15 sep 2008

More Gossip!

Let me introduce myself. I am Holy Denimore and recently I wanted to change my career. So I decided to try make a new one as a queen of gossip. Sometimes you hear something that is to interesting to keep it a secret. That's why I started this blog with one of my gossiploving friends. To share all those inside stories with all of you out there!

As Venus already told you we are pretty new at blogging sl-gossip, so please be patient or (even better) help us fill this blog! If you hear anything interesting you want to share with the rest of the world or if you want to blog gossip yourself and become one of our hosts, you can IM me or Venus inworld or send an e-mail to holydenimore@gmail.com.

10 sep 2008


We are a new blog with all sort of snippets of gossip in Second Life. Mostly good gossip, but hey we won't shy away from a bad piece of gossip now and then as well! (and we all know, the nasty bits are the best!)

My name is Venus Deschanel and I am one of your gossip hosts! If you have any piece of SL gossip you would like to share..... IM me in SL!


