9 okt 2008

Three of a Kind.....

1. Original picture from the internet
2. ADiva - Annejoy Paine
3. VictoriaV - VictoriaV McMillan
4. Liberte - Luriel Jewell

It seems that the great designers got themselves caught in a bit of hiccup...... All these designers found the same dress on the internet very appealing and made it into a wonderful dress. However, who copied who?????? So ladies, no more screeching of YOU COPIED ME, you just found the same dress on the internet! I wonder if anyone will have the vile guts to file a DMCA or try to say they have sole rights to this pic (and you know who I mean by that, pretending to have all the rights to all the pictures on the internet!!).

This is too funny!

Venus Deschanel

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